
Video Bios Beat Your Competition

Here is a great explanation of why we require video bios from all our featured students...

A photograph alone doesn't show your personality. This is why some websites offer a "interview-style" video of models. This way, someone who wants to hire you can hear your voice and get an idea of what it would be like to work with you.

We try to get new models to put themselves in the position of the person who is considering them: to understand the photographer's position and how the photographer sees guys who try out for Model Jobs. A video bio goes a long way toward showing who you are. (Nothing is worst for a hard working photographer than to be stuck in a studio with a model who is difficult to work with.)

Allowing Casting Directors to Hear Your Voice

Athletic Modeling got a call from a Canadian underwear brand who wanted to send a buff student backstage for the VH1 awards in New York. One of the students we submitted had a Spanish accent - so we filmed a short video of the model talking and uploaded it at night so the Underwear Brand could view it the next morning. Why? Because his voice made him unique from the many other guys trying out for the job.

One important note about this. We had to film it quickly - so it can be ready by the next morning. Are you the kind of guy who can pop off a quick, simple video of you speaking in a matter of hours? The guy who responds quickly to requests will likely get the modeling job versus a guy who takes a week to respond.

Yes, making a video bio is a little extra work for you, but it goes a long way toward promoting you. And it can be fun, too.

Here is an example of an actual video bio.

If you are ready to become a male model, consider our innovative advice on how to get your modeling career started locally, on your college campus. Its a fun way for you and 11 of your on-campus buddies to take a giant leap ahead of other aspiring models!



  • About Athletic Modeling is a free informational site geared toward the success of athletes who want to become models.

    We are not a modeling agency and we do not represent athletes for bookings. We have no modeling jobs or assignments to give to you. Our advice is aimed at athletes who are not subject to sports regulatory body regulations and we do not encourage students to not abide by their regulatory body rules.

    Best of luck to you in your new career, but please do not send us photos of yourself. We have jobs or compensation to offer you. We cannot refer you to photographers or agencies.

    Athletes Make the Best Models.

  • Shoot Prep

    After working with thousands of new models and college students, we know the concerns, issues and questions many new models have before their first photo shoot. It is normal for even the most macho guy to be nervous prior to his first shoot. We compiled all this training info into “ShootPrep” – our dedicated site for training models with whom we work.

    Our photographer uses to train new models before their photo sessions.

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